Sunday, 19 October 2014

My first experience with Maya- Design Discourse one

When I applied to study Animation at University, I wasn't really aware of the software used in the industry, then upon starting the course, we were introduced to Maya.

Looking at the interface when first opening the program I was a little nervous, looking at all the different tools and things, but at the same time I was excited to get stuck in and learn how to use this beast of a program. after all, it was used to create graphics for things such as Avatar and Game of Thrones, I mean how cool is that!

Starting out in Maya, we were talked through the basics, what tools and shortcuts there, pretty much all we needed to know for the first little project;

"Create a bouncing ball against a wall"

Alright then, I'll give that a go.

Using basic squash and stretch and key frames, It was pretty simple to get the hang of, then it came to actually doing the animation at home, myself, with no tutor there to follow, this should be fun...

Although my lecturer had uploaded a video talking through the lesson again I was curious to see what i'd remembered from that day, and wanted to pull it off myself.

This was the outcome;

Not too bad for my first go, but I knew something wasn't correct. 

In my feedback I was reminded to change the pivot point so my ball would bounce from where it last landed, It would give the viewer more of a sense of direction of the ball, whereas mine was just going up and down.

But once I work on my feedback I'll update this post with the finished result!

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